Porn, young people and the church…Let the battle begin
Did you know that of 2,731 Year 11 (4th Form) students surveyed this year, 48.4% of males are accessing porn at least weekly and 24% daily?
Did you know that the sex industry in Northern Ireland earns more that our two leading
Did you know that the Porn Industry is worth £63 billion globally and in the UK it is worth
£660 million?
If you didn’t know, you might need to read over those statistics again, because they are truly shocking. What is important to remember however is that behind these figures
are real lives, real families, real relationships. Where do they go for support? For guidance? For help? Who do we want to teach them relationships and sexuality? The Church, or the porn industry?
Porn Scars is a ONE DAY conference, repeated over 2 days, on Friday 17 and Saturday 18 May 2013. It will be held in Lisburn Cathedral. Tickets are £15 and include lunch.
Hosted jointly by Big House, Love for Life and Urban Saints, the conference is aimed at church leaders, youth leaders, parents, and grandparents. Basically anybody (over 18) who cares about the effect that pornography has, and will continue to have on young people.
The purpose of the conference is to raise awareness of the issues, reflect on an appropriate Christian response, resource people with tools for support and demonstrate that there is hope.
The scale of the problem
Thanks to the internet, our boys and girls are the first children to grow up with free, round the–clock access to hardcore pornography. Porn has become part of the adult mainstream, colouring everything from advertising to best–selling books like Fifty Shades of Grey. (The Telegraph 27 January 2013)
Further research shows that calls to Childline in last year have increased by 34%, as young people are worried that they are becoming addicted to porn. Girls say they feel they are being coerced to re–enact scenes. 1 in 3 10 year olds have seen pornography online, 17% (13% females v 24% males) of year 11 students have used their phone to send or receive an inappropriate image.
What is becoming clear is that Pornography is a huge issue for our young people. It has the potential to be addictive and destructive. It is having and will continue to have massive ramifications on relationships today and in the future.
Let’s do something!
It would be easy to feel helpless as we read this information. To think we can’t to anything to change this culture. As the Church, not only can we do something but we must do something. As people who believe in God’s heart for His people and that He wants us to experience the very best in our relationships we have a message of hope and love and grace to share with society.
The full programme for the day is available online
and ticketscan be purchased on line or by contacting Barbara at Love for Life on 028 38820555.
It would be amazing to see the church full both days. Full of people who care. Full of
people who might not know what to do but who want to do something.
Why not gather a group together, a group of leaders, friends or members of your
congregation? Why not take a stand together in May and decide to come along to this one day conference.
We read in Scripture of many times when ‘giants’ were defeated, where the unthinkable
happened and circumstances were turned around. There is no doubt this giant is having a
massive impact and has taken hold of many lives, however, the same God who was with
Moses as He crossed the Red Sea, who was with Joshua as the walls of Jericho fell, who
helped David as he defeated Goliath, who fed the 5000 and who raised Jesus from
death…that same God with all His power and love is alive. He asks us to ask Him to use us.
Are you willing?
It is time to take on this ‘Giant’ in our culture today. It is time to rise up, to speak out and to protect.
Porn, Young people and the church…Let the Battle Begin!