The Hub is now taking applications for 2013 / 2014
The student centre at Queen’s is now open for applications for those applying to University for upcoming academic year 2013/14.
“Residency in Chaplaincy is like no other experience…,” says Church of Ireland Chaplain, Barry Forde.
“You will meet friends for life, you will learn to cook for more people than you thought possible, you will go on centre weekends, embarrass yourself at the annual formal, and along the way learn more about life, about faith, about yourself, and (if we as Chaplains have anything to do with it) about Jesus.”
About The Hub
Situated in the heart of Queens University campus there is accommodation for up to 50 residents across the houses owned by the Church of Ireland and Methodist Churches. From mid–September to early June these rooms are occupied by University Students.
We place a high value on the sense of community in living together, sharing meals, social activities, and a wide range of activities centred on exploring the Christian faith together.
Over the years students from the centre have travelled far and wide together on Easter and Summer outreach teams, whilst during each year many of the activities are student led.
Each house has a House Warden whose role it is to try and ensure that everyone gets along, pays the cooking bills, provides food that is edible, and clears up afterwards! The Student Committee is elected by the students in residence to plan social events for students in residence and non–residential students alike.
Many students spend at least two years of their time at University living in the centre, and whilst we are not perfect, for most it is one of the most formative times of their lives.
Follow this link to apply online
Or email the office at
for more information.