Update from the CAP Lurgan Centre
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a national debt counselling charity and works with local churches offering hope and a solution to anyone in debt through its unique, in–depth service.
CAP has a network of debt counselling centres throughout the UK and the Lurgan Centre has now been open for 3 years. It is run primarily between the Parishes of Magheralin/St Saviours and Shankill Parish in Lurgan, although there are volunteers from many areas surrounding the Craigavon area.
Since the Lurgan Centre has been running, 122 local families have contacted CAP and been assigned appointments. Fifteen families have become debt free and 14 people have come to faith whilst working alongside CAP. Currently they are working closely with 51 families, aiming to support them by their presence and prayers as they journey towards freedom from debt.
This is wonderful work! Perhaps your church would be interested in partnering with CAP?
A Belfast Central centre based in Willowfield operates in our diocese as well as one in Bangor in partnership with Christ Church Primacy.
At a local level, as well as opening a CAP Centre, there are a couple of ways in which churches can respond to the problem of personal debt in their parish or community.
A first and inexpensive step is to run CAP Money, a simple money management course that can be used within the church or as a community outreach tool. There are now several people in the diocese trained to deliver CAP Money.
Another option is to run a CAP Job Club which supports the unemployed in your community and helps to prepare them for work.
Read more about partnering with CAP here.
Contact Chris Cupples
Email: chriscupples@capuk.org