• 16 May 2013

A Mission Fair ‘first’ for Movilla Abbey

On Saturday 11 May Bishop Ken Clarke, Mission Director, SAMS UK and Ireland, opened the inaugural Mission Fair at Movilla Abbey, Newtownards. 

Challenging those present, Bishop Ken said that in mission it’s important to know a little about much but a lot about one thing. He commended the Rector, Revd Kevin Graham and the Methodist minister, Revd Paul Gallucci, for their vision and for holding mission at the centre of church life. 

Many missionary organisations were present representing local and global mission, including Christians against Poverty, Mission to Seafarers, Wycliffe Bible Translators and Christian Aid. Visitors were able to enjoy an “Ulster fry” during the Fair as well as engaging in conversations around mission. 

Proceeds raised from the sale of refreshments were donated to Christian Aid in this week of annual collection. The Rector, Kevin Graham said, “It’s important to keep mission central to our purpose otherwise we run a very great risk of failing in The Lord’s Great Commission.” 

The fair was the culmination of regular slots on the fourth Sunday, known as “Go forth Sunday” when various missionary organisations present to both the Anglican and Methodist congregations the work of God at home and abroad through human agency.