• 13 July 2013

A true ‘Place of Grace’ in Moira

Read the remarkable and encouraging story of Zoe McGlade’s journey of faith and obedience. The result is ‘Place of Grace’, a safe, non–denominational ‘drop in’ for women and their families in Moira which was officially opened on 20 June 2013.

Zoe McGlade is married to Norman and they have 3 young children and a mortgage. She’s a parishioner of St John’s Moira and trained as a midwife, a career she happily pursued until 2 years ago, when something began to change. Zoe’s passion for her work steadily disappeared and was replaced by a deep discontentment and restlessness. Deep inside she knew there was something else for her to do, but what was it and how would it fit with her family responsibilities?

That sense was confirmed on a parish women’s weekend in November 2011 when her rector, Revd Joanne Megarrell, spoke about being open to a different plan for our lives – other than the one we had mapped out – God’s plan.

Zoe takes up the story…

“I felt like God was putting a spotlight on me and I knew I had to stop and seek direction because I didn’t know where I was going and it was taking its toll in my life and relationships.

Thankfully, last May I was able to take time out from my job. Joanne, who knew nothing of what I was going through, happened to call and told me that she had a strong sense that God was saying, “Let go and let God”. It was a ‘God moment!’

So, for the next four weeks I just did all the necessary family stuff and gave myself to prayer and journaling. During that time I was invited to a friend’s house where a lady shared how God had asked her and her family to completely uproot themselves and move to France for a purpose not yet clear. He had given her a vision of a butterfly leaving the cocoon and spreading its wings to fly. “Every time I wobbled,” she said, “I saw a butterfly”.

To my amazement, this lady said that she believed God had sent her that evening to speak to me. The signal was a butterfly clasp (belonging to my daughter) that I had grabbed for my hair on the way out the door. She gave me a yellow butterfly which was to prove significant later on.

Every day I brainstormed in my journal and verses such as ‘Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10) and Jeremiah 29:11 became close to my heart. I wrote down my thoughts about a women’s drop–in in the community. It would be non–denominational, a place where people would be listened to and it would have a prayer room. Every day I added to the vision and when, in July 2012 I started to wobble I asked God for a sign.

The very next day I found myself in ‘Hope & Soul’ in Dromore and nearly collapsed on the spot! I was standing right in the middle of the vision written down in my journal!

That day I met Gail Redmond, the founder of Via Wings and Hope & Soul, and we shared our stories, right underneath Jeremiah 29:11 which was emblazoned on an upstairs wall. A book she gave me to read was covered in yellow butterflies – confirmation after confirmation!

Initially I believed that the drop–in centre should be in Lurgan but again, God spoke clearly and showed me it should be in Moira.

A week or two passed and I was still praying. Walking in Moira one day I came across Eden House, an empty building on Main Street. As I peered in, a lady came out and asked if I was interested in the property. “I have keys,” she said. “I can let you look around.” I walked around and when I saw a paper butterfly on one of the windows I thought, “There’s something in this!”

Soon afterwards I met the building’s owner, a Christian lady called Eleanor who told me that she had been praying over her building for 3 years, asking God to put his work into it. “I don’t know you, she said, “but I believe you are going to use my building.”

And so the Place of Grace was born – the name, again, given clearly by God. It’s been a journey where God has put other women around me to share the vision and help me set it up.

We quietly opened our doors in February this year and women of all ages have come – especially those who feel isolated and lonely. Our official opening was on 20 June and we are slowly growing the ministry with plans for programmes and workshops in September.

It has been a journey of faith. In October 2013 I finally gave up my job with a clear word from God through 2 Cor 5:17 that it was time to let go of the old in favour of the new.

A special gift in all of this is that my husband Norman was recently baptized and confirmed as a Christian after the witness of the Place of Grace journey. What an amazing and faithful God we have!”

More about Place of Grace

Place of Grace is God’s calling to reach out and provide a safe ‘drop in’ for women and their families in Moira. It is a charitable organisation and is run by Christian volunteers.

We are a non–denominational safe haven with doors open to women in our community providing a listening ear service in a caring, practical and non–judgemental way. You can simply ‘drop in’, relax, have a chat with our volunteers, in confidence if needed.

Our focus is on friendship and support in a warm homely environment. We have a small prayer room upstairs, a preloved shop and a craft corner with products made by local girls/women. We also welcome children with a kids corner for them to play.

We receive no direct funding and depend entirely on the generosity of service users and charitable giving. You can help us through donations or regular contributions through a standing order form.

Download a leaflet here.

Place of Grace was born from a vision to reach out to the community and our journey has been faith led through prayer. We would like to ask for your prayers to help continue our vision in helping those around us through the grace of God.

Pictured below, left to right: MLA Jim Ewart, Bishop Harold, Margaret Tollerton (Mayor of Lisburn), Zoe McGlade, MLA Edwin Poots and Councillor James Tinsley.