Care for the Family resources families facing difficult issues with drugs and alcohol
Drug use is a real danger that we no longer want to ignore in our communities. The charity, Care for the Family, is aware of the complex issues faced by families and where possible want to help families in general and parents in particular by resourcing them to prevent or reduce the impact of many of the challenges they face.
The How to Drug Proof Your Kids (DPYK) course was created in response to the needs of parents as they cope with the very real and complex issues of alcohol and drugs. As parents most of us would love to somehow ‘drug proof’ our children – not to closet them away – but to empower them to make wise, healthy choices as they encounter the many temptations laid before them. It’s a complex issue, and there can be no one simple solution.
Can I really ‘drug proof’ my kids?
If you mean, “Can I stop my child from trying tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs?” the answer is no. But if you mean, “Is there any way I can influence the choices my child makes about these things?” the answer is yes.
DPYK concentrates on the important role a parent or significant caregiver can play in reducing the risk of harmful drug use. Over six sessions it gives you the skills and knowledge to help your children make good choices.
There is a team of trained facilitators in Northern Ireland who could deliver this course in your area. There is also training available if you would like to become a course facilitator. To find out more contact the Care for the Family office on 028 9262 8050.
For more details on the course please also visit the DPYK pages on the Care for the Family website.