Ordinations in early September
Ordination of Deacons
On Sunday, 8 September at 7.00 pm in St Donard’s Parish Church, Mr Graham Spence will be ordained deacon for the parish of Magheralin and Mr Andrew Thompson will be ordained deacon for the parish of St Donard’s. The preacher at the service will be The Revd Jacob Thomas, Belfast Bible College.
Ordination of Priests
On Monday, 9 September in Down Cathedral at 7.30pm, four deacons will be ordained priest to serve in the following parishes:
The Revd Rosie Diffin for Seapatrick Parish
The Revd Colin Darling for St Finnian’s
The Revd Andrew Campbell for Bangor Abbey
The Revd Ross Wilson for Willowfield Parish
The preacher will be the Revd Dr Heather Morris, Methodist President.
Please pray for all of those being ordained.