St Gall’s develops young choral talent
The Royal School of Church Music Choir Sunday was recently celebrated in St Gall’s Church in Bangor with an awards ceremony for the choristers of the parish choir. The R.S.C.M. “Voice for Life” programme plays a key role in developing and shaping the musical talent among the children and young people of the Carnalea Parish choir.
Rosemary Smyth is the Musical Director at St Gall’s and has used the course to great success: “Voice for Life has given a clear learning scheme for our choristers. As we teach and encourage them in the choral tradition of our parish the RSCM material works well for us. A series of work books and medals encourages them to achieve and grow in expertise and ability.”
This year two choir members, Mark Farmer and Jamie Larkin, travelled to Dublin for Bronze award examinations at St Bartholomew’s Church and returned with Distinction and Merit awards respectively. Rosemary Smyth was particularly pleased with these achievements:
“Practical examination of voice through performance and sight reading combined with a thorough knowledge of liturgical practice and it’s meaning makes for a demanding examination. Candidates are asked to provide an understanding of the context of choir worship and what it is that a parish choir is doing in and through worship. Mark and Jamie had worked hard this year and that shone through with some excellent results.”
The Choir Sunday Celebration at St Gall’s represents a service set aside to acknowledge the contribution of the choir to the life of the church. The Rector of St Gall’s, Revd Michael Parker, finds that it provides an opportunity for the whole congregation to reflect on the beauty of worship and the part choral music plays in that:
“Choir Sunday allows us to rejoice in our musical tradition and what it contributes to our worship. We have the chance to recognize the work of our Choristers as they progress through their Royal School of Church Music examination levels. It also adds to their school record of achievement something that has come from their life and commitment to the Church. The medal system seems to motivate them with even our youngest choristers really working hard to complete their work books by the end of May.
“I would commend the RSCM scheme to any parish looking to encourage children and young people who are singing in church. This year our medals were awarded to the choristers by one of our older choir members, Mrs Maureen Nixon. It made for a beautiful service.”
St Gall’s Church choir will be travelling this summer to Armagh Cathedral to sing Choral Evensong on Sunday 4 August.