Bishop Ken Clarke is our host at the Bishop’s Bible Week
We’re delighted this year to welcome Bishop Ken (Fanta) Clarke as our Master of Ceremonies at the Bishop’s Bible Week. Bishop Ken is now Mission Director of SAMS UK & Ireland. It’s the first time that he has been able to come along as he has, of course, been very busy in other dioceses!
“I am very much looking forward to attending my first Bishop’s Bible Week,” he says. I have heard so much about it and rejoice at the steady growth each year. It is even more encouraging when the growth is in depth and not just in breadth. To see a hunger in the diocese both to hear God’s Word and to obey it is a great sign.”
For the second year in a row, Bishop Harold will be our speaker each evening and will teach from Acts under the title ‘We’re on a Mission’. The Bible Week will set the scene for the run–up to 2015, which was unanimously declared a ‘Year of Mission’ at the 2012 Diocesan Synod.
It’s an initiative that Bishop Ken Clarke heartily endorses:
“I am excited at the potential of Mission 2015. Too often mission in a diocese is relegated to being a side show. God’s call is mission as the main event and a top priority. Clearly the Diocese of Down and Dromore has caught that vision. I have no doubt that a missional, Truth loving, grace filled diocese can be an agent for reconcilation and transformation throughout this island. I honestly believe that as each one of us, and every parish, are more and more Christ–like we will see communities impacted and lives changed. With the courageous visionary leadership of Bishop Harold and his team, the prayerful and active commitment of all of us, Mission 2015 can be the catalyst for some exciting times in the Diocese, and indeed far beyond!“
Please do come along to the Bible Week each night. We’re in Shankill Church, Lurgan at 7.45 pm (note the earlier start). Click here for more details.