Love for Life: Dinner with Benefits
Love for Life are hosting a free training event for those working with young people in a paid or voluntary capacity. The night will focus primarily on engaging with young people in the area of relationships and sex. The format will be very relaxed with dinner provided and lots of time for discussion, resource sharing and equipping in this potentially difficult issue.
The event will be repeated in 3 areas, the idea being that you attend the one which is most convenient for you. We have chosen these geographical areas to highlight the funded programmes that are available in that region, but if you are not based in that specific trust area you are not excluded from that evening.
The details of the three nights are as follows:
Monday 9 September – Love for Life HQ (Southern Trust)Monday
7 October – Ballynahinch Baptist Church (South Eastern Trust)Monday
4 November – The Hub Café, Elmwood Avenue (Belfast Trust)
If you would like to book your place on any of the nights, please complete the form online here. For catering purposes, please complete the registration at least one week before each event.
Download a flyer here.