Pray for Northern Ireland
There was an appropriate sense of pride when the President of the World Police and Fire Games said that the games in Northern Ireland were “the friendliest and best games ever.”
That sense of pride however quickly dissipated as Belfast descended into violence on Friday night and further last week as political tensions have escalated. We recognise this unrest and tension is linked to a host of social and political underlying issues that we don’t want to invalidate. We commend those ‘on the ground’ who are working faithfully within our local communities advocating peace and reconciliation and ensuring people’s voices our heard and understood.
We are confident though that the violence and tension we have witnessed in recent weeks is not His desire for our nation and that our prayers for God’s kingdom to come need to be our highest priority.
Jesus was clear that His Kingdom belongs to those who make peace, He calls his people to be light in darkness and to live lives of faith, hope and love. It is in weeks and years like this one that our country is in such obvious need of such faith, hope and love.
We would love you to join us as we continue to pray for Political leaders, the PSNI, for communities on all sides under tremendous pressure and strain. Proverbs 11:11 “By the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is overthrown”.
We will once again be setting our alarms for 11:11 each day and be taking some time to continue to pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Northern Ireland as it is in Heaven.
The Team at WhatNow