And then there were six…
Revd Chris Bennett recently shared some good news on the Chaplaincy front…
“I am profoundly thankful to be able to report that as of this month, The Dock now involves Chaplains from six different traditions – even more than I might have dared to dream. Anglican, Methodist, Catholic, Presbyterian, Congregational, Nazarene – or as they prefer to be known (because who boxes people up like that any more?), Chris, Karen, Finian, Brian, Wesley and Richard. Call into Dock Cafe any day and you will bump into one of them, serving your coffee, lurking back at Doris the Dock Dishwasher, or just mooching around the tables enjoying the craic.
The Dock is open 11–7 Mon–Fri and 11–5 on Saturdays. It’s the most chilled out cup of coffee in Belfast.
By the way, remember that the Dock is now a charity – so if you’d like to donate to the work of building Life in the Titanic Quarter, every penny can be Gift–Aided.
Find out more here