• 25 September 2013

Christians respond to the Syrian refugee crisis

As Syrian refugees flood into Lebanon and Jordan, Christian agencies are working with nationals to respond in practical and compassionate ways.


Tearfund is working with churches in Lebanon and Jordan to help refugees, who now exceed 2 million. Lebanon has taken in 720,000 refugees from the Syrian conflict – the most of any neighbouring country.

Food packages are made up according to guidelines from the World Food Programme to ensure they have the correct nutritional balance.

Each family, of between three and 12 people, receives two boxes, which have different goods in them. This includes fava beans, chick peas, lentils, bulgur wheat, pasta, cooking oil and tinned meat, as well as tahini and a Middle Eastern sweet called halva.

As well as food, hygiene items and help with accommodation, Tearfund partners are offering informal education and psychosocial care for preschool Syrian children and their mothers.

Morag Gillies, Tearfund’s Country Representative for Syria, said, ‘From visiting the region, I’ve seen how churches are providing vital support to people living in stark, tough conditions, many having fled Syria with few possessions.

‘It is inspiring and uplifting to see churches responding in such faithful and compassionate ways to the plight of refugees.

Bible Societies

The Bible Societies in Lebanon and Jordan are doing what they can to help many hundreds of these families. Millions are living in tented cities while others are cramming families into single rooms, tiny apartments, or worse.

It is illegal for refugees to work in Jordan, which has a very high unemployment rate to begin with, so survival is a daily challenge. The Bible Society is helping families outside the camps, both Christians and Muslims, by providing relief packages, which are literally a lifeline for them. As well as providing food, gas stoves, medicines, bedding and so on, the Bible Society is also training Jordanian Christian volunteers in how to offer emotional support to these suffering families. The training includes basic knowledge about trauma healing.

  • Please continue to pray for all those who have lost loved ones, are living in fear or have been forced to flee their homes.

  • Ask for God’s help for all those who are attempting to minister to people in such desperate circumstances.

  • Pray especially for the Bible Societies in Lebanon, Jordan and indeed Syria and remember all those who are seeking to bring an end to the violence. 

The Anglican Church

  • The Anglican Board of Mission is raising funds to provide emergency relief through ACT Alliance. The agency has already made a donation from its Rapid Response Fund to help in the crisis.

  • Anglican Overseas Aid is also responding through ACT Alliance.

  • Us (United Society) has a Rapid Response Fund which will support an ecumenical network of churches to reach out to some of the 2 million Syrian refugees living hand–to–mouth in Lebanon and other countries in the Middle East.