Ordination of presbyters at Down Cathedral
Four deacons were ordained presbyter (or priest) on Monday, 9 September at a service in Down Cathedral when we were delighted to welcome Revd Canon Dr Heather Morris, Methodist President, as the preacher.
Click on the names below to read each person’s reflections on their year as a deacon intern. Two of the presbyters are new to the diocese of Down and Dromore.
The Revd Rosie Diffin for Seapatrick Parish
The Revd Colin Darling for St Finnian’s
The Revd Andrew Campbell for Bangor Abbey
The Revd Ross Wilson for Willowfield Parish
Pictured below left to right: Revd Ross Wilson, Revd Andrew Campbell, Revd Dr Canon Heather Morris, Bishop Harold, Revd Rosie Diffin and Revd Colin Darling