• 04 October 2013

Church leaders call people to prayer in East Belfast

The leaders of over 20 congregations from in and around East Belfast have called upon people from that part of the city and beyond to pray for the area on Wednesday, 9 October.

Church members, community leaders and others will gather in St Patrick’s Church, Ballymacarrett, at 7.30 pm to pray for the local community, the wider city and for Northern Ireland as a whole.

The initiative has grown out of a gathering of church leaders, who met this week to discuss a range of issues pertaining to East Belfast, including the ongoing problems of drugs and drug related violence, suicide, and a widespread sense of disenchantment among many people in East Belfast.

A strong sense came from the meeting that the message of the Christian Gospel is a positive one of hope, and that a response of prayer can make a real difference in an increasingly difficult situation. The Bible promises that ‘if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.’ (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Please join the East Belfast Prayer Gathering on Wednesday 9th October 2013 from 7.30–9.00 pm at St Patrick’s Church, Ballymacarrett, Newtownards Road, East Belfast.