Household items needed – can you help?
The Besom ministry at Willowfield Church has had a very high demand for requests for help recently. They do value people’s prayers and support as they seek to meet these requests.
Currently required: 2 fridges, 2 sofas (with fire tags), one double bed, 2 cookers and a washing machine.
If you can help, please contact Richard Waller on 07906679789 or (028) 9045 0885
About Besom
Poverty, isolation, abuse, ill health, injustice, homelessness: we all see the sharp inequalities of life around us and the devastating impacts they have on people’s lives. Many of us want to do something, to get involved but we don’t always know how. The Besom exists to help you make a difference to the lives of others and to make it easy for you to do so.
The aim behind all Besoms is that everyone – whether you are three years old or over 80, whether working full–time or part–time, a student, a mum with toddlers, in between jobs or retired – can get involved. By giving your time, money, things or skills you can help those who are in real need and make a long term positive difference to their lives.
Visit the Besom website here.