• 21 October 2013

St Columba’s, Knock, seeks an Organist/Choral Director

The Select Vestry of St Columba’s Parish Church, Knock, Belfast, seeks to appoint an Organist/Choral Director to develop a parish–wide ministry through traditional and contemporary church music with responsibility for:

• Sunday morning and evening services

• Monthly all–age worship

• Major Church festivals

• Weekly choir practice; (Sept – June)

• Occasional services/funerals and weddings

Any further information which may be required will be available by email.

Applications are invited with CV, preferably by email, detailing personal attributes, qualifications, experience and achievements to:

The Revd John Auchmuty

St. Columba’s Rectory

29 Kings Road, Knock 



Email: office.knock@down.anglican.orgTel: 028 90 471514

The closing date for applications is 15 November 2013

Interviews are scheduled for week commencing 2 December 2013