Could you become a school governor?
School Boards of Governors are reconstituted every four years when members complete their term of office. The Department of Education (DE) has started the reconstitution of Boards of Governors for the period September 2013 to June 2017.
Vacancies on Boards of Governors can be an opportunity for individuals from the community to consider volunteering to become a governor. For those from a church background it is an opportunity to make an important contribution to the education of children and also a way to serve God in the local setting. It is a rewarding experience and a chance to learn new skills; for example: working within a team, understanding finance, staffing, strategic management and accountability.
What’s involved?
A governor works in partnership with the school principal to provide the best possible standards of education. Although the principal and staff are the professional educators, governors contribute useful additional skills, expertise and experience from the world of work and life outside school. The role of the Board of Governors is to manage the school – this includes:
For anyone interested in considering one of these categories of governor then visit the DE website here for further information.
At this time of reconstitution of school boards as church members please give consideration to serving as a governor. You may be able to bring a unique contribution to the education of children and young people in Northern Ireland.