Bishop Harold urges us to continue to pray for South Sudan
We continue to pray for South Sudan where what began as a power struggle between two men has taken on overtones of an ethnic conflict.
Thankfully there has been no fighting in our link diocese of Maridi and Jane Corbett (parishioner of Dromore Cathedral and frequent visitor to South Sudan) recently received this email message from Bishop Justin…
“We had a good Christmas celebrations with a huge attendance. I preached about the name Emmanuel which means: God with us. At every time and in every situation, God is with us. He took human flesh and came as a small child for us and before He returned, He promised to always be with us.
“Western Equatoria continues to be calm and I will go to Yambio to begin confirmations tomorrow.
“It is our prayer that all the efforts being done by the international bodies will soon bring an end to the conflicts in our country.”
Click here to see a map from BBC News showing Western Equatoria in relation to the fighting. (You will have to scroll down the page).
Please pray for the success of the talks, for a lasting peace and for the safety of our partners and friends in Maridi.