Church of Ireland Directory 2014 now available
The Church of Ireland Directory 2014 is now available through the Good Book Shop, Belfast and Church House, Dublin. Prices will be £16.50 and €18.50.
Directory orders should placed via this website link, or you may contact The Good Book Shop or Church House directly:
The Good Book Shop, Belfast – 028 9082 8890
Church House, Dublin – 01 497 8422 (Synod Dept)
Postage will be charged where books are not collected in person.
At the same time, a special offer is being introduced on the pew (large print) edition of the Church Hymnal, which will be available between now and Easter at £12.50 and €15 in hardback and £16 and €19 in the presentation edition.
Church House, Dublin is also able to provide parishes with registers, certificates and copies of Sunday and Weekday Readings following the closure of the Sunday School Society Resource Centre. These are also available through the Good Book Shop.