CMS Ireland announces new Annual Project
On 28 January (Belfast) and 29 January (Dublin), CMS Ireland will launch ‘God’s Big Family’, its Annual Project for 2014.
The CMS Ireland Annual Project is a specially produced resource for Sunday schools and youth groups. It provides original, creative material to help children and young people explore the biblical message of mission and play their part in global mission. Material is provided for at least four sessions with four different age groups.
Normally, each project focuses on a particular country and highlights the work of just one of CMS Ireland’s Global Partners. This year, however, as part of CMS Ireland’s 200th Anniversary, the project celebrates the diversity of life, worship and mission in nine different countries. The 2014 resource is designed to help children and young people discover something of what it means to be part of the global church – God’s Big Family.The fundraising element of the project seeks to provide ‘wheels’ (bicycles, motorbikes or wheelchairs) for all 19 of CMS Ireland’s Global Partners.
The Belfast launch of the project takes place on Tuesday 28 January, at 7.30 pm, in St Mark’s, Dundela.
Following the launches in Belfast and Dublin, the CMS Ireland staff will host six Annual Project Pit Stops, including an event in Seapatrick Parish Halls, Banbridge on Wednesday 5 February. These informal events offer an opportunity for people to drop–in (any time between 8.00 pm and 9.30 pm) to look at the material, chat with staff, pick up project packs and enjoy a cuppa.
For more information on the Annual Project and the Pit Stops or to order your resources, visit CMS Ireland’s website, or contact their Belfast office.