The Archbishop of Armagh to Open Crosslinks Conference
The Most Revd Dr Richard Clarke, Archbishop of Armagh, will open the Crosslinks mission society’s Conference which is to be held on Friday 31 January and Saturday 1 February 2014 at St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast.
The theme will be the Uniqueness of Christ and His Mission and the guest speaker at the conference’s five sessions will be Dr Don Carson, Professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Illinois – a prolific author and speaker on world mission. Music at the launch will be provided by Jonathan Rea and musicians from New Irish Arts.
In advance of the conference, the Revd Trevor Johnston, Crosslinks Ireland Team Leader, said, ‘Archbishop Richard Clarke is especially welcome in opening our conference. Crosslinks is also grateful to the Dean, Board and Chapter of St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, for their willingness to permit use of their building and helpfulness – it wil be a privilege to be in these stunning surroundings.’
He continued, ‘ In a world of various religious options, there are few more controversial topics than the uniqueness of Jesus Christ. To say that the only way to God is through Jesus Christ alone, opens one to the charge of arrogance – even worse, intolerance. To claim that there is no salvation for anyone outside Christ is hard for twenty–first century ears to hear, yet it is a building block of the historic Christian faith. We are honoured to have Don Carson lead us in our sessions. He has helped many around the world grapple with these issues.’
The conference is open to all (cost: £25), and further details are available at