24/3 in the Knocknagoney Prayer Room
From 10.00 am on 4 February to 10.00 am on 7 February, Knocknagoney Parish hosted continuous prayer in their prayer room as part of our year of 24/7 prayer. Here are their reflections on what turned out to be a very precious 3 days…
The Tuesday Prayer Group laid out the room with 14 stations. There were reflections and guidance There were stations to help us worship and reflect on God our Creator, to say sorry, to give thanks, to pray for Knocknagoney, Belfast and the persecuted Christians throughout the world, for Christians in sport and for those we knew who were sick.
The comments written up on the board were very exciting to read.
Most people spoke of the peace they encountered on just entering the Prayer Room. Phrases such as ‘peace that passes understanding; sense of closeness and peace; lovely sense of God’s presence; the Lord is here His Spirit is with us; my depression is lifting; time immersed in the Lord passes very quickly’.
The last comment I believe was true for most people as folk kept being surprised by the time going so quickly.
Another comment that may have crossed the minds of some of us was ‘this time has been precious, makes me determined to set more time aside to be with the Lord’.
To help we are leaving the Prayer Room mostly as it was for the 3 days to enable folk to continue to take time aside to be with the Lord, for instance, before Sunday Services, midweek Bible Study or Choir practice.
God yearns for us to spend time with Him. Above all else He wants us to build on the relationship we have with Him and you cannot build relationship with anyone without spending time with them, talking to them and listening to them.
With thanks to Sandra Lavery and the Knocknagoney parish magazine.