• 21 February 2014

Dundonald’s 24–7 Prayer experience ‘positive and encouraging’

Dundonald Parish held the scroll from 14–16 February before handing over to Ballybeen. Here’s what they said about their experience…

“The weekend went really well and we had lots of positive and encouraging comments. Most people felt it was something we should do again, as a parish, perhaps on an annual or twice yearly basis. Most enjoyed the opportunity to set aside daily life and sit in peace and quiet and pray. A lot of comments about how quickly the time went and about how much there was to pray for. Our youth worker was very encouraged by the maturity of the prayers coming from our young people, especially some of the boys.”

Pictured below, representatives of the two parishes with (back L–R) Revd Peter Bourke from Dundonald and Revd Mark Harvey, rector of Ballybeen.