Exciting news from The Mission to Seafarers
The year 2014 has got off to a positive start for seafarers with news that following meetings and consultation the Mission will soon have a permanent presence at Warrenpoint Port.
A significant number of ships use the port and it is felt important that the crews should have access to help and advice, if needed. There will also be a facility to purchase phone top–ups etc. In addition, the formation of a joint approach covering all ports, North and South, remains under discussion and hopefully will be realised during this year.
Geoff and Eleanor Launchbury are volunteers with The Mission to Seafarers, indeed Geoff has been involved for almost 30 years. Christmas is a busy time and Eleanor writes below of the ways in which seafarers have been blessed by the mission:
“I wish to thank most sincerely all those who so generously contributed toiletry items which were used in this year’s Christmas parcels for seafarers. The parcels were prepared by volunteers and 220 were distributed in Belfast, Lisahally and Londonderry during the two weeks before Christmas. All were most gratefully received and appreciated.
One captain who came to the Centre was most anxious to convey his thanks for the generosity shown to him and his crew. He told me that when they are at sea for a long time they can feel forgotten and alone, and to receive a gift when they arrive in port, particularly at this time of year, is a wonderful boost to morale.
This year, unusually, there were a number of ships in Belfast Port over the holiday period and this was reflected in the numbers coming to the Centre. We welcomed 227 seafarers between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day, 25 on Christmas Day and 38 on Boxing Day alone. Geoff and I were there on Boxing Day evening and were glad to have some of our family there to help us. It was a busy evening!
An appeal was launched at the Centre for the Philippines Disaster Fund which raised in excess of £5000 from benefactors and visitors to the Centre during December. The money will be used as required on the ground in consultation with ISWAN (International Seafarers Welfare and Assistance Network).
The Chaplain, the Revd Colin Hall–Thompson thanks the congregation of St. Columba’s for their help and support and asks that you continue to pray for the success of the new initiatives.”
Learn more at The Mission to Seafarers website.