Lent study and quiet days at Belfast Cathedral
Belfast Cathedral wants to facilitate your personal study and quiet days and therefore we are making space each Wednesday during Lent for you to set aside a day for reading and reflection.
The cathedral library provides a comfortable space with well–stocked shelves and Wi–Fi and photocopying and printing can be facilitated. If you have a particular subject interest let the librarian (paul@belfastcathedral.org) know in advance of your visit and the books will be located for you.
Space for quiet and private prayer is available for those who wish it and spiritual direction will be available by arrangement.
We invite you to come for Holy Communion at 8.30 am in the Chapel of Unity and then leave after Choral Evensong finishes at 6.15pm (with the exception of Ash Wednesday when there will be a Eucharist at 7.00pm).
Tea and Coffee facilities are available and we can provide a soup and sandwich lunch if you require it. A nominal price of £5 covers refreshments, lunch and parking in the cathedral car park.
The Space for Reflections days are available to serving and retired Clergy and Lay Readers. A warm welcome is extended to all denominations in this respect.
If Wednesdays are not possible for you please contact us and we will aim to accommodate you on a day that does.
To register please contact Mary Wilson Conway by telephone on 02890328332 or by email mary@belfastcathedral.org
Beginning on Ash Wednesday the dates for the Space for Reflection days are:
Ash Wednesday 5 March
Wednesday 12 March
Wednesday 19 March
Wednesday 26 March