’Let’s do this again’: 24–7 Prayer at St Mark’s Dundela
Revd Adrian Dorrian, rector of St Mark’s Dundela, shares some thoughts about the parish’s first experience of 24–7 prayer…
In the preceding weeks in January, a lot of conversation went on around St Mark’s about what you actually had to do in a prayer room: does it mean you have to lead a wee service if you sign up for an hour? Do you have to pray out loud with other people? Isn’t an hour an awfully long time?
What is so encouraging is that so many comments we got back, either written or in person, suggested that an hour flew in and that the prayer stations we’d set up were very helpful. 24–7 prayer like this is a new departure for St Mark’s Dundela, and many people were genuinely unsure about the whole experience because it was somewhat alien. Thank God that, in his goodness, he met with people in the space we’d set up.
Men and women, old and young, regular worshippers and occasional visitors all found something in the space. We observed the Anglican Offices (including choral evensong), we used Taize worship and contemporary praise, we even read poetry (and some CS Lewis, obviously!) together. And the feedback has been clear. It’s not about if we do this again, it’s about when.
Here are a few quotes from our prayer room journal:
“I’ve had a very strong sense of being a very small part of something much bigger, like a link in a chain – a lovely sense of community – isn’t that what it’s all about?”
“I really did not know what to expect or gain from this experience. It turned out to be a wonderful time of reflection for me and the room set up truly helped in making me feel at peace and in touch with God.”
“I found this time of prayer and meditation very relaxing and refreshing. I know that you are here with us and that you will bless us all.”
“Being still is very useful and it has made me realise that perhaps I do need time/space in my life to focus on prayer and reflection and need to prioritise this.”
“Having one full hour with God was brilliant. I love having new ways to communicate with God. I loved this experience and would definitely do it again.” (From a teenage parishioner).
“A lovely experience – I intend to take some time out each day at home.”
“The peace and stillness I found in the prayer room was just what I needed after a busy day which didn’t go according to (my!) plans…every time we cry out to God He listens. Let us cry out not only for our own needs but for those of others, around the world. This is what I have been thinking about in my time in the prayer room today.”
“I look forward to spending more time listening to God and am ever mindful of the goodness he has shown to myself and my family to date.”
“A very peaceful hour, and parts of the room touched me in ways that I hadn’t expected. A sense of peace that was to be cherished. This is something that I hope we get the chance to do again.”