• 24 February 2014

The Bible Society is at work in Ukraine

Ukraine is facing an uncertain future and in this chaotic situation, people on both sides need God’s reconciling Word – the Bible, the only true source of peace, comfort, freedom and dignity.

The Bible Society has already distributed all of their stock of free Scriptures in both Ukrainian and Russian (over 8,000 copies) and the need is still great. Young people and the older generation are the most active age groups in this conflict, so they would like to urgently produce two New Testaments in Ukrainian and Russian, one in large print and one with inserts from the Youth Bible. These will be distributed among both protesters and military forces in Kiev and other cities. The desire is to print and distribute 5,000 copies of each product, making a total of 20,000 copies, in the period March–May. 

We are asking for your prayers for Ukraine: 

  • Please pray for God’s continuous protection and influence to bring peace to the Ukrainian people. 

  • Pray also for the active involvement of the local churches and other partners so that God’s Word will reach those hearts that are seeking truth and justice. 

  • Ask God to provide resources needed to reach people with His Word.

  • Remember Olexandr Babiychuk as he addresses the General Secretaries conference in Warsaw on Wednesday 26 February and relates what life has been like in Ukraine in recent weeks. 

  • Pray that the political settlement will hold.