• 19 March 2014

A group from Albany visit Down and Dromore

Down and Dromore’s link with Albany Diocese remains strong and we’ve been delighted in the last few days to host a group of four clergy and two spouses from the USA. They arrived on Friday 14 March and you may have met some or all of them at our St Patrick’s Day Celebrations in Saul and Downpatrick (see the photo below).

This week the group has had a guided tour of Stormont, hosted by Jo–Anne Dobson MLA, and also returned to Down Cathedral as guests of Dean Henry Hull. And of course a visit to Down and Dromore isn’t complete without dropping in at the Titanic Quarter and The Dock Cafe. 

Our Albany guests leave again on Thursday 20 March and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank their hosts: Captain Colin and Mrs Eleanor Taylor, Archdeacon Roderic and Mrs Joan West, Canon Walter and Mrs Barbara Laverty and Revd David and Mrs Lorna Palmer.

Pictured below from left to right: Mrs Darlene Small, Revd Canon Bill Small, Revd Roy VanDermark, Revd Anne Curtin, Mrs Judith Malionek and Revd Tom Malionek

The Link

The Down and Dromore link with the Episcopal Diocese of Albany goes back to the year 2000. Since then there was been much to–ing and fro–ing between the two dioceses. For Down and Dromore people this includes participation in the annual Albany Convention, Clergy Wives Retreat, Clergy Retreat, Ordinations and Summer Youth Camps. In turn, Down and Dromore hosts Albany people invited to St Patrick’s Day, Clergy Conferences, Ordinations, Diocesan Synods and Summer Madness. Some individual clergy in the two dioceses have forged friendships and enjoy ‘home/pulpit exchanges’ during the summer months.

If you would like to be part of a trip to Albany please email our Albany Link Co–ordinator, Archdeacon Roderic West.