• 14 March 2014

St Patrick’s Day Celebrations have an interdenominational flavour

The annual diocesan st Patrick’s Day celebrations gather hundreds of visitors from Ireland and abroad and different denominations are invited to participate. 

The Methodist President, Revd Dr Heather Morris, will preside at Holy Communion at Saul and the preacher will be a former pastor of Ballynahinch Baptist Church, Hadden Wilson.

At Down Cathedral we will welcome as our speaker Alain Emerson of Emmanuel Church Lurgan and 24–7 Prayer Ireland. 

The theme this year is ‘Transforming a Nation for Him’.

After the Festival Service a wreath is laid at St Patrick’s grave by local ministers  and then lunch is served to invited guests in the Cathedral grounds. 

  • 9.15 am Holy Communion at Saul

  • 10.15 am Pilgrimage from Saul to Downpatrick

  • 11.45 am Festival Service in Down Cathedral

  • Preacher: 

  • Wreath laying ceremony at St Patrick’s Grave

  • 1.00 pm Irish stew lunch in the marquee

Read about our festival service speaker here.

Transport to Saul

Please park along the Mall leading to the Cathedral in Downpatrick and board one of the private buses there.Buses to the communion service depart between 8.30 and 9.00 am. The last bus for the 35 minute pilgrimage leaves at 10.00 am.