Trip to Burundi and Rwanda on 20th Anniversary of the Genocide
Please pray for Mary Munyangaju (Parish of Killyleagh) and Jane Corbett (Dromore Cathedral) who between them will be visiting Burundi and Rwanda from 26 March – 29 April. This year sees the 20th Anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide and they will be attending commemorative events in Kigali.
Jane will fly ahead to Burundi on 26 March where she will spend time with Alison Gill who is serving in a trauma and healing ministry. For eight years Alison has trained and ministered to pastors working in an area of Burundi which has suffered much from tribal killings. Jane will have time to listen to and pray for Alison and her colleagues as they work in these very demanding circumstances.
She will also take the opportunity to meet with the Guillbaud family and to travel north to Muyinga for two nights to meet, pray and encourage different folk working amongst Batwa Pygmies, Miners and Muslims. Jane is carrying donations of baby clothes and will distribute these among needy mothers with children.
Jane and Mary will meet up in Rwanda on 4 April and they will be based at Bird of Paradise Ministries in Kigali which was set up by Mary and her husband Jerome (rector of Killyleagh) in 2011. BPM is home to four homeless elderly people and a carer. But for the ministry, these residents would be on the streets and in the villages begging to keep themselves alive.
As well as attending genocide commemorative events, visiting the elderly and spending time with the Mothers’ Union in Rebero Diocese, Mary and Jane will travel east to see the beautiful Lake Muhazi and visit Gahini, the birthplace of the East African Revival. At the invitation of the Bishop they will visit Kibungo Diocese and see Rusoma Falls at the Rwanda/ Tanzania border.
Jane leaves on 15 April whilst Mary remains in Rwanda until 29 April. They would very much appreciate your prayers as they travel, listen to and pray with many different types of people in a variety of settings.
Download the itinerary as a PDF here.