Ulster Rugby Stars drop in at Shankill Church
Three legends from Ulster Rugby – Paul Marshall, Ruan Pienaar and Johann Muller (pictured left to right with the rector) – recently stopped off at Shankill Parish Church to do some filming for a program about Christians in Sport.
All three are committed Christians with strong faith and were on their way to a Christian Vision for Men event in the Hub at Brownlow. In the recordings at Shankill, the three stars spoke of how Jesus is their captain, their guide, their all – inspiring stuff.
The vision of CVM is to connect men with Church and Church with men and the recordings will be used in a variety of settings to encourage even the strongest of men to see a personal relationship with Jesus as something which we all need to bring wholeness and completeness.
All three took time out to chat with some parishioners who were in the church and posed for photographs. They were welcomed to Shankill Parish by the Rector Geoff Wilson and they were impressed with the grandeur, elegance and the quiet presence of Shankill Parish Church.
Pictured below filming, Ruan Pienaar and Johann Muller and below, filling a pew in Shankill Church.