Church and Society Commission reflects the stated position of the Church of Ireland on Marriage
The Church and Society Commission of the Church of Ireland, mindful of the debate due to take place at the Northern Ireland Assembly on Tuesday 29 April on same–sex marriage, wishes to reflect the stated position of the Church of Ireland on marriage and to draw it to the attention of MLAs in their discussions on the issue.
As recently as its General Synod meeting in May 2012 the Church of Ireland affirmed its position on marriage:
‘The Church of Ireland continues to uphold its teaching that marriage is part of God’s creation and a holy mystery in which one man and one woman become one flesh … The Church of Ireland affirms, according to our Lord’s teaching that marriage is in its purpose a union permanent and life–long, for better or worse, till death do them part, of one man with one woman, to the exclusion of all others on either side … The Church of Ireland recognises for itself and of itself, no other understanding of marriage.’