Our prayer rooms – places of sanctuary and encounter
It’s clear from the feedback coming from our prayer rooms that they have been places of sanctuary and encounter for all who have participated in 24–7 Prayer. Some have been pleasantly surprised by their experience and honest enough to say so!
The prayer scroll has now been handed over from Bangor Primacy to Groomsport (right). Here are some comments from our March and April prayer rooms so far:
Willowfield7–28 March
“I will be at a loss when 24/7 stops, it was a precious time”
“An oasis of peace– I really met with God here”
“I didn’t think I could last an hour but it flew past and left me wanting more time with God”
St Galls29– 31 March
“I wasn’t expecting all this. I just thought that I would be praying, this is great”
“A butterfly joined me at 3:00 am while I was listening to hymns and it landed on our prayer table, all Glory to God”
“This hour has flown by for me”
Bangor Abbey 31 March–4 April
“My alarm went off and reminded me that in 15 minutes I was due at church for a one hour prayer session. My reaction to the alarm was annoyance– I hadn’t finished what I was doing. I reluctantly left and now here I am –Five minutes or so in a serenely quite church– I feel so clam– I realized that what I was doing was important but only up to a point in the grand scheme of things it is so very unimportant – I am amazed at how quickly my time here is passing”
Bangor Parish 5–10 April
“I was moved to tears, I felt God was here by my side. I could feel him near. I would love to do this again”
“It is liberating to have no distractions , just to concentrate on prayer to God”
“These hours spent here have been so much more than refreshing that sleep. We need more times like this if we are to grow and mature”
“To be part of the prayer chain is a huge privilege”.
Here’s a round up of all the prayer rooms in February and March…