The Losers are the Winners
An Easter message from The Rt Revd Harold Miller, Bishop of Down and Dromore:
This is a weekend when, humanly speaking, our world is turned upside down. On Good Friday, as Jesus is cruelly nailed to the cross, everything appears to be lost. Corruption has won. Intrigue and power, both political and religious, have trumped the humility and love of Christ. Judas has gone off financially richer, and the vision of the disciples for the coming of the Kingdom of God is exposed as a pipe–dream.
In these days, people of faith can feel a bit like that. So often the values we embrace, the things we believe and the way we live can seem to others a bit out–of–date and even odd. Indeed, to believe that following this one man Jesus Christ is the most important thing in the world is perceived by many as just plain foolish!
That’s why Easter Day and the reality of the resurrection are central to Christians. As Jesus is raised from the tomb we are at first confused that this can actually happen; then excited that is has happened; then empowered by it to live life differently and confidently.
There are many people in our society today who think of themselves as being losers: those of us whose dreams remain unfulfilled; those of us for whom relationships have broken down; those of us who are not sure that we have any value, or are even loveable. The proclamation of the resurrection is that Jesus has died and been raised for all. There is no loss in our lives which cannot be turned to gain through faith in him. We are winners!
Have a happy and blessed Easter. Why not drop in to a church to celebrate this great reality?