• 02 May 2014

Sunday night on Nomadic – good news stories for Belfast

Just how many good news stories are crammed into this one picture? The starting point for the Giro D’Italia, home for thousands of residents and students, the unique skyline of the gleaming Samson and Goliath cranes – and of course the world’s best/only honesty box cafe at the heart of it all. 

And if the panorama stretched further, Titanic Belfast and the SS Nomadic would hove into view. Belfast history, tourism, industry, education, commerce, church, and community – all visible from one spot.

It’s a great time for our great city – and so this Sunday night at our monthly service on SS Nomadic (6.00 pm), the theme is ‘good news stories for Belfast’. We’ll be hearing stories from last year’s World Police and Fire Games, the opening of Titanic Belfast, the G8, the tall ships, and loads more – as well as getting ready for more colour and life in the upcoming Giro D’Italia.

Although we’ll be coming prepared with some good news stories, there’ll also be an open mic for anyone who wants to share any more great stories from the city. They can be big international events or small individual encounters – as long as they’re good news!

I think we too easily believe the worst in Northern Ireland. When a fantastic, positive event (the WPFG springs to mind) seems to move us a step forward, it’s too easy for some bad news to knock us two steps back. We need to tell, and keep retelling, the true, important, honest–to–goodness good news stories if that’s the future we want to build.
