Job opportunity in Children’s Youth and Families Project, Drumbeg
The Rector and Select Vestry of the Church of Ireland Parish of Drumbeg are seeking a person of mature Christian faith who will organise and run church based programmes for children, young people and families in the area on an on–going basis. Funds are initially available for two years. We seek expressions of interest from suitably qualified individuals.
Drumbeg Parish is a growing church community on the south western fringe of Belfast. We are seeking to expand our current work with children, young people and families as part of our vision to minister in Bible Teaching, Outreach and Building Community in the parish and surrounding area.
This will be a ‘contract for services provided’ arrangement whereby the worker will be remunerated on a monthly basis on receipt of an invoice for services delivered to co–ordinate and provide the required children’s, youth and families project. The successful applicant will also be required to deal with their self–employed tax arrangements; informal support will be provided to help with this.
Programme Services Required
The successful applicant will co–ordinate and provide a children’s, youth and families ministry programme that will include the following:
A weekly faith–based programme for young people aged 11–18 years. It is anticipated that this programme will take place on Friday or Sunday evenings for approximately 1½ hours and involve a mix of fun activities, Bible teaching, discussion and a regular monthly events programme. Leading a youth team on a summer camp is an essential part of the work with this age–group.
A Sunday School programme that runs for 3 weeks in each month. This programme will aim to develop primary school aged children in their faith and will occur on Sunday mornings in the parish hall from 10:00–10:50am. This programme will include the further development of the work with children aged 4–11 years.
Input into and development of the Family Service Programme: Space@10, Space@11 and Space@5 (10am 1st Sunday of the month, 5pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month and 11am on the 3rd Sunday of the month); this will be achieved through preparing children, youth and families to participate in these services. This will include occasionally being asked to deliver the Children’s talk. Developing this ministry through provision of a once a term family events programme is an expectation of the project.
All of the above is set within the context of the project training and empowering leaders of all ages in a Youth and Children’s ministry, whilst building relationships with children, youth and families in the parish and wider community through occasional contact visits, calls and e–mails as necessary.
Anticipated hours required
It is anticipated that the co–ordination, preparation and running of these programmes will require an average of 15 hours per week.
An hourly payment of £11.00 will be made giving an average remuneration of £165 per week.
Start date
It is hoped that a successful applicant for this contract will be able to start as soon as possible from September 2014 onwards.
Person specification
The successful applicant for this contract should be able to demonstrate experience in running and leading Bible based children’s and youth programmes as well as basic abilities in teaching, organising, communicating and relational skills. The applicant will be required to manage a budget of circa £2000/yr for the running of the programme. It is important that the applicant will have a firm grounding and knowledge of the Scriptures, together with a passion to make disciples of children, young people and families. Experience of uniformed organisations is desirable.
Expression of interest in fulfilling this contract should be made in writing to:
Rev Willie Nixon, Children’s Youth and Families Project, Drumbeg Parish, The Rectory, 64 Drumbeg Road, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17 9LE.
Applicants should enclose a short letter of introduction (including contact details), an A4 sheet detailing their faith journey, and a C.V. The C.V. must include details of relevant qualifications (if any), experience and the contact details of two referees from people who know the applicant in the context of Christian Youth and Children’s work.
Referees will be contacted by telephone in advance of the applicant meeting the Selection Panel, with References in writing taken up prior to the ‘contract for services provided’ being offered. An ‘Access NI Disclosure’ is a Diocesan and Social Services pre–requisite for this post.
The closing date is Thursday 26 June at 2.00 pm.
The applicants deemed to fulfil the criteria of the ‘Person Specification’ and who demonstrate experience in the areas of the ‘Programme Services Required’ will be invited to meet with a Selection Panel from the Select Vestry for an informal discussion on the week beginning Monday 30 June. Unsuccessful ‘Expressions of Interest’ will be notified in writing in due course.
Part of the application process will be delivering a pre–prepared 5 minute Children’s Address (target age 8yrs) on a Bible Passage of your choice. Informal conversation with Revd Willie Nixon in advance of an ‘Expression of Interest’ and meeting with the Selection Panel regarding the post are encouraged.
Revd Willie Nixon can be contacted by phone on: 07764277771 or by email at: