Special worship services at St Marks’ Dundela
The month of June will see two special services of worship in St Mark’s, Dundela.
Following on from a successful start to a series of monthly Choral Services, there will be a service of Sung Compline led by St Mark’s Choir and Friends on Thursday 19 June at 8.00 pm. This service series is intended not only as an opportunity for midweek worship, but as a chance for singers from other churches (and none) to join with St Mark’s Choir for traditional Anglican worship without having to sacrifice Sundays in their own churches. There will be a rehearsal at 7.15 pm.
Please email dundela@gmail.com if you are interested in joining the St Mark’s and Friends Choir. There will be a retiring offering for Action Cancer.
For something completely different, on Sunday 22 June at 7.30 pm there will be a contemporary Praise Service in the Church. Praise Services have been an occasional fixture in St Mark’s over the past few years, and the plan is that these will also become a monthly feature starting in September. The worship leader at the service will be Raymond McClure, a parishioner of St Mark’s. The preacher will be Paul Gibson, who is presently part of the first group training as evangelists in the Diocese of Down and Dromore. There will also be a Hot Dog Barbecue after the service.
Speaking about the two services, the Revd Adrian Dorrian (Rector of Dundela) said: ‘We were really pleased by the response to our first midweek choral service. We want to build on this firm foundation but it’s very important that as we celebrate the sumptuous traditions of historical Anglican worship we also look around us at the best of today. That’s why, parallel to this wonderful new choral initiative headed up by Peter Hunter, we are establishing a service that celebrates more informal and contemporary worship. Our God calls us to worship him in Spirit and in truth, and part of our vision in St Mark’s is to find ways for as many people as possible to connect with God through our worship. Everyone is welcome at either or both of these services!’