• 13 June 2014

St Gobhan’s Seagoe celebrates 200 years

An exhibition which celebrates the bicentenary of the laying of the foundation stone of St Gobhan’s and the two hundred year old history of the church, will take place in Seagoe Parish Centre from Sunday 15 June to Sunday 22 June.

Featured in the ‘Seagoe 200’ exhibition will be an old photograph with special connections to the parish.

The photograph of Baron Frederick Ludwig and Baroness Hester von Stieglitz (nee Blacker) was taken outside Carrickblacker House c 1859. Miss Hester Blacker was the daughter of Captain George Blacker and granddaughter of the Revd Stewart Blacker who was the Rector of Seagoe Parish 1810 to 1826. 

The Baroness was the driving force behind the building of the new Chancel, roof and wing. She also donated £1400 towards the total cost of the work. The church archives also indicate that she purchased the organ and furniture. The Baroness laid the foundation stone on 11 April 1890. The Seagoe church minutes also record that a container was buried beside the foundation stone, which contained a silver trowel used by the Baroness, a copy of the Portadown News and other items. The Baron died in 1866 and the Baroness in 1899.

Mr Alan McDonald noticed the photograph when he was dining recently in Sally McNally’s and approached Mr John McNally who immediately offered to donate the photograph to St Gobhan’s. He presented the photograph to the Revd Canon Raj Rajkumar on 9 June.

The Seagoe 200 Exhibition will be open to the public daily from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm and 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm.

Left to Right: Rebecca Richardson, People’s Church Warden; Rev Canon Raj Rajkumar; Alan McDonald; John McNally, Proprietor of Sally McNally’s; Luke Mathers, Rector’s Church Warden with the presentation of a photograph Baron Frederick Ludwig and Baroness Hester von Stieglitz (nee Blacker) outside Carrickblacker House.