• 01 July 2014

Bishop Builds Brilliant Burgers

We thought you’d enjoy a bit of alliteration to go with these photos of the annual Bishops’ BBQ at Summer Madness. It truly was a sight to see as we not only fed our own young people and leaders with gourmet style burgers but also a lot of others. 

The Bishop personally cooked your burger with great skill after some not inconsiderable prep time (2 hours!). 

Build your own burger was a new one for DDYC with mega burgers topped with onion, mushroom, bacon, salami, cheese, salad, tomato, advocado and an assortment of tasty sauces. 

The sun was out. The skies were blue and hundreds of young people were fed. A fantastic time was had by all with very full tummies and big smiles all round.

 See a few more snaps in our gallery here.

With thanks to Julie Currie