A Dangerous Faith – our second Bible Week taster
The great commandments that Jesus gave us summed up all the law into two simple principles; love God and love others. These are familiar and challenging commands, but have you ever thought about how dangerous they are if we really take them seriously?
That’s what we’re exploring during the
Bishop’s Bible Week
Tuesday 2 September – Loving God with everything
The claim of many people inside and outside the Church is that we love God…but exactly what do we mean by that? Do we simply agree with some of the principles advocated in the Bible? Do we favour Jesus’ inclusive attitude to the outcasts?
The call of Mark chapter 12 to “love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy” seems intensely more committed than the passing approval most 21st century people seem to give to God.
On Tuesday night, we will think about this call to passionately love God, and think about some practical ways that we can cultivate a depth of intimacy with Him in our day to day lives.
Monday 1 September –The Lord our God, the Lord is One
Why should Jesus use these words to introduce the greatest command to ‘love God’? And why the importance on the word ‘one’? Can we boil things down to ‘one’ in a society of multiple choices and even when our own minds take us in different directions daily? These are good reasons to focus and learn about God’s ‘oneness’ and on Monday we will look at God’s singularity, integrity, identity and priority – and what this means for our mission to those around us.