Reflections on a year as deacon intern – Andrew Thompson
Revd Andrew Thompson, soon to be ordained for the curacy of Donaghcloney, reflects on his year as a deacon intern…
I approached the final residential week in Dublin with some ambivalence; I have been blessed in many ways during my studies at CITI but the time has come to move on.
In the last four years I have fostered good relations and built close friendships with students and staff. This year I was genuinely surprised at how engaging and rewarding I found the dissertation writing process and for that I have Dr Maurice Elliott to thank. There have been times of challenge and growth, tears and a great deal of laughter and, to be honest, I will miss the old place.
My year serving as deacon intern at St Donard’s, Bloomfield has also been a blessing. I found the people of the parish warm and supportive. The Rector, Ken Higgins and his family are loving, generous and kind and they did all they could to make sure I was well looked after. I can’t deny it has been a good year.
However I have always been aware that I was not going to remain a student forever and now I must move on from the cosseted environment of CITI and the light responsibilities of a Deacon Intern, regardless of whether or not I feel ready to move. After years of preparation I still feel ill–equipped to move into full–time ordained ministry. But God has brought me to this point and I look to him lead me on.
I take strength from Jesus words in Matt 28: 18–20. Knowing Christ is over all things gives Sharon and me hope as we begin our ministry in Donaghcloney. Our prayer is that this move would force us to grow in our faith and in our love for Jesus and that his Kingdom would be served as we learn to share the old, old story in a new place.