Reflections on a year as deacon intern – Geoffrey Haugh
Revd Geoffrey Haugh who will soon take up his curacy in Holywood, looks back on his year as a deacon intern…
After two years of full time study in Dublin the final year of my training was serving as an intern deacon in a local parish, while at the same time researching and writing a 20,000 word dissertation to complete my academic studies.
My intern year was in St Mark’s Ballymore Tandragee and Loughgilly and Clare parishes, under the tuition of canon Shane Forster. During this year I visited parishioners in their homes, in nursing homes and in hospitals. For me the most rewarding aspect of visiting was to share in the lives of individuals, in whatever circumstances they were experiencing, from tears to laughter and everything in between. As a minister of the gospel, I hope that I shared some of the compassion and love that Jesus has shared with me.
I particularly enjoyed sharing and leading worship each Sunday, and serving God’s people at Holy Communion. In addition I have assisted at numerous funerals and a number of weddings and baptisms. I consider my time at Ballymore, under the supervision of my training rector, provided a great place to learn for my present and future ministry. As I look forward to my ordination in September as presbyter, and my curacy in Holywood Parish, I do so in the confidence of God’s call on my life to serve his church.
I now look forward, with my wife Karen and daughters Laura, Judith, Rebekah and Melissa in beginning a new chapter of this challenging but exciting ministry journey in God’s presence.