Register for ‘The God Enquiry’ at Belfast Cathedral
You can now register for The God Enquiry, a 10 week course at Belfast Cathedral, examining issues of philosophy, theology, science, history, intuition and experience.
A registration form can be downloaded here. Completed forms and payment (£60 per person) should be returned to St Anne’s Cathedral by Tuesday September 23.
The course gets underway on Wednesday October 1 at 7.30pm and continues every Wednesday for 10 weeks.
The course will explore questions like: Does God Exist? If God Exists, How Might We Know What God Is Like? Is A Christian View Of God Believable?
The course has been developed over a number of years in response to the questions and interests of genuine explorers and is unique in its approach.
The course is led by Brendan McCarthy (pictured above). Brendan has a primary degree in divinity as well as Master’s degrees in theology, history and human rights law and a doctorate in Christian Ethics. He is an ordained Anglican Priest and is currently the Church of England’s national adviser on Medical Ethics and Health and Social Care Policy.