• 12 August 2014

Register now for Bishop’s Bible Week Kids’ Club!

Last week we announced the great news that we are running a Kids’ Bible Club alongside the evening meetings at the Bishop’s Bible Week 

Julie Currie and her team of volunteers will be based in Willowfield halls opposite the church and welcome primary school age children with an upper age–limit of 12 years. Doors open at 7.30 pm.

The programme will be DDYC’s own ‘LETSGO’ based around the theme of building our lives on Christ Jesus and will be stacks of fun. 


Download a registration form right here Print it out Fill it in Bring it with you on the first night Finally and importantly, email julie@downanddromore.org with the names and ages of the children you are bringing so that we can prepare crafts etc.

Please note that the four nights of Bible teaching and worship have moved from the last week in August to the first week in September: 

Monday 1 to Thursday 4 September at 7.45 pm 

Willowfield Church, 149 My Lady’s Rd, Belfast, BT6 8FE.  

Find out about the Bible Week theme and our speakers here.