• 03 September 2014

A challenge to love God with everything

We’re looking this week at the biblical context, impact and meaning of the great commandments according to the Gospel of Mark – this ‘Dangerous Faith’. 

Last night, Simon Genoe challenged us to love God passionately and with everything. Drawing on the Gospel accounts of Mary’s extravagant outpouring of love for Jesus, Simon offered some practical ways in which we can cultivate a depth of intimacy with God in our day to day lives – adoring, confessing, opening up and responding. Many responded to the message in a time of worship and prayer ministry, an opportunity that is available each evening at the Bible Week.

Listen to or download Simon’s talk here. (Click to listen or right click to save the file to your computer).

In keeping with our emphasis on raising up a new generation of leaders in the diocese and beyond, our featured diocesan ministry was Diocesan Readers 2030, an initiative launched at the Bishop’s Bible Week in 2011.  

Introducing 6 of the young preachers, Bishop Harold said, “I want my generation to pass on the baton to the next generation and the one after that as well.

“In our churches we have people who are actually seeking out the word of God, leading us in worship who are of a new generation and so I have asked our Warden of Readers, Willie Nixon, specifically to find new young preachers for the diocese.”

The bishop introduced 6 of them to us and we prayed for (Left to right) Laurence Bellew (Willowfield) Rodney Magennis (Rathfriland) David Riddell (Down Group) Chris Sanlon (St Finnian’s) David Jardine (Willowfield) and Karen McAlpine (Knock).

Church planting

Bishop Harold launched the Down and Dromore Church Planting Fund at last year’s Bible Week and we continue to have church planting focus this year. Last night, via a short film which you can view below, we heard from Mervyn Jamison and Moneyreagh Community Church which was planted in October 2013. This evening we’ll be featuring and praying for Braniel Community Church.

Please give

Whilst there will be an opportunity to fill in a standing order form each night, Thursday evening will be the particular focus for giving to the Down and Dromore Church Planting Fund.

We look forward to welcoming everyone back this evening, not just for teaching but for worship led by the Willowfield team .

Theme: A Dangerous Faith 

Start time: 7.45 pm

Kids’ Club registration: 7.30 pm

View some Bible Week photos here.

More details about the Bible Week here.