Dock Café temporarily closed for ‘Shrexpansion’
The time has come for our lovely neighbours in the Mace and Green Deli to expand their storage capacity – which means that Dock Café will have to shrink just a leeeetle bit smaller.
However all is not lost – while the Cafe space is getting smaller, the Dock Market is getting bigger, better and more popular all the time – so we’ve hit on the bright idea of using the tables and chairs of Dock Market as an overflow area for big groups or busy lunchtimes. So, we’re shrinking, but in a way we’re expanding. Shrexpansion!
And so Dock Café will be closed from Mon 8 – Thur 11 September to allow the Shrexpansion to happen. If you’d like to be part of the team moving, painting, fixing, changing, hammering, cleaning, re–arranging and generally just Shrexpanding Dock Cafe – giving it a bit of a mid–year spruce–up as well as developing our new layout – just let James or Joachim know when you’re free, and wear some old clothes that you won’t mind getting dirty!
And then get ready for the Grand Opening of Dock Café 4.0 on Friday 12!