Final night at Bishop’s Bible Week
We began our exploration of ‘A Dangerous Faith’ by asserting with scripture that ‘The Lord our God, the Lord is one.’ We looked at loving God with everything and loving others sacrificially and on our last night Jasper Rutherford asked, ‘How far are we from the Kingdom?’
Jesus speaks powerfully of the Kingdom being within reach and Jasper challenged us live in the fullness of that exciting truth, the Holy Spirit being a foretaste of what’s to come. As was the case each evening there was opportunity for everyone to respond and to avail of prayer ministry.
It was a wonderful week of teaching and worship and we rejoice that people came to faith on each of the evenings.
Thank you to all of our speakers – Andrew, Simon, Craig and Jasper, to the worship and audio–visual team, stewards and all the staff and volunteers in Willowfield Church. Thanks also to Julie Currie and her team who ran the Kids’ Bible Club in Willowfield Halls each night.
Listen to or download Jasper’s talk here. (Click to listen or right click to save the file to your computer).
For all of the audio downloads visit this page.
View some Bible Week photos here.