Bible reading guides, free to your church
Fewer people seem to be committed to reading their Bible regularly. The Bible Society is keen to encourage people to maintain the habit of reading a portion each day, and so have an opportunity to hear God speak to them. We recognise that people may be using a print Bible or our Youversion Bible App. Either way, everyone needs a reading plan and our 2015 edition is now available.
This free Bible Reading Plan offers a short passage for each day and copies can be collected from Bible House (avoiding postage costs). Please take a moment to consider if it would be a useful resource for your church members.
While our Society is helping make Scripture available in 45 countries this year, we do feel that Bible reading is much neglected here. We really want to see people’s love for Scripture, and for the Saviour they will find there, grow and grow.
To meet the growing demand we have increased the print run to 15,000 copies and, as usual, they are offered on a ‘first come first served’ basis. You can reserve the quantity you need by ringing us on 9032 6577.
Bible House is open for collecting the guides from 8.15 am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday (including lunch time). If you prefer to contact us by email, you can get in touch by email here.
If we can help you to set aside a Sunday Service to speak about the foundational nature of Scripture for our faith, please talk to us about that as well.