Final Mission Breakfast takes place in Seagoe
Thank you to Seagoe Parish who hosted about 140 of us for a Mission Breakfast on Saturday morning 29 November.
It was the last of 4 such events for leaders and mission teams throughout the diocese as we have sought to resource parishes further in the run–up to January 2015.
Bishop Ken Clarke, Tash Creaney (24–7 Prayer) and Annette McGrath (Diocesan Communications Officer) presented a mixture of inspiration, ideas and resources and we heard from the floor of some parish mission initiatives planned for 2015.
It has always been the intention that Mission 2015 will happen at the level of our churches and communities and the Mission Breakfasts were the penultimate diocesan event of 2014.
The final get–together will be on New Year’s Eve in St Anne’s Cathedral when we will celebrate the Year of 24–7 Prayer and look forward to the Year of Mission before we step out together into 2015 as ‘Lights to the World’.
It will be a great evening for all ages with food, live music, worship and some spectacular lighting! Read more about the celebration here.